June 2019, ‘The Boundary of Pure Reason’, British Society for the History of Philosophy Annual Conference, King’s College London
February 2019, ‘The Boundary of Pure Reason’, Bristol x Bristol workshop on the History of Modern Philosophy, University of Bristol.
November 2018, ‘The Boundary of Pure Reason’, Kant’s Concepts of Metaphysics: Aprioristic and Non-Aprioristic?, University of Luxembourg.
May 2016, ‘Kant and the Natural Dialectic’, University of Essex.
April 2016, ‘Kant on Misology and the Natural Dialectic’, Royal Institute of Philosophy Lectures, Keele University.
April 2016, ‘The Historical Context of Kant’s Opposition to Suicide’, Life and Death in Early Modern Philosophy, Birkbeck London.
October 2015, ‘Philosophy and Common Cognition’, Kant’s Method in Philosophy and its Reception, Goethe University Frankfurt.
September 2015, ‘Kant on Misology and the Natural Dialectic’, Natur und Freiheit, 2015 Kant Congress, Vienna.
September 2015, ‘Duty and Common Moral Cognition’, UK Kant Society Annual Conference, Keele University.
March 2015, ‘Animals in the New Essays’, Leibniz’s New Essays – A One-Day Workshop, King’s College London, London.
November 2014, ‘Kant on Misology on the Role of Philosophy’, Practical Reasoning Seminar, Institute of Philosophy, London.
August 2014, ‘Thinking of Things in Themselves’, UK Kant Society Annual Conference, Oxford.
December 2013, ‘Geometry, Idealism and Empirical Adequacy’, Kant’s Conception of Empirical Knowledge, Israel Institute of Advanced Studies, Hebrew University of Jerusalem.
July 2013: ‘The Comparison of Animals’, Kant and Animals Conference, University of Witswatersrand, Johannesburg.
June 2013: ‘Kant on Moral Explanation and the Holy Will’, Workshop on Kant’s Groundwork III, King’s College London.
December 2012: ‘Kant on the Holy Will’, University of Southampton.
November 2012: ‘Kant on Moral Explanation’, University College Dublin.
June 2011: ‘Kant on Acquiring Mathematical and Metaphysical Concepts,’ Kant Workshop, Clare College, Cambridge.
May 2011: ‘Kant on the Mathematical Method’ – Keynote Lecture, London-Berkeley Graduate Conference, University of California at Berkeley.
November 2010: ‘Transcendental Idealism as Metaphilosophy’, Kant Workshop, University of East Anglia.
November 2010: ‘Kant on the Methodology of Mathematics and the Acquisition of the Categories’, University of Amsterdam.
October 2010: ‘Kant on the Methodology of Mathematics and Metaphysics’, Concepts Workshop, Humboldt University.
September 2010: ‘Normativity and the Acquisition of the Categories’, UK Kant Society Annual Conference, St Edmund’s Hall, Oxford.
July 2010: ‘Transcendental Idealism as Metaphilosophy,’ Joint Session of the Aristotelian Society, University College Dublin
May 2010: ‘Kant and Innatism – Another Look at B167,’ 11th International Kant Congress, Pisa.
Nov 2009: ‘Transcendental Idealism and Logical Aliens,’ Colloquium, University of Essex
May 2009: ‘Kant and Innatism – Another Look at B167,’ One-Day Kant Conference at the Department of History and Philosophy of Science, University of Cambridge
Oct. 2008: ‘Concept-Mastery and Space: Interpreting the Third Paragraph of Kant's Metaphysical Exposition of Space,’ 5th Oxford Seminar On Early Modern Philosophy, University of Oxford
On Mandeville
June 2014, ‘Mandeville’s Genealogy of Virtue’ The Fable of the Bees after 300 Years, Helsinki Collegium for Advanced Studies, Finland.
June 2014, ‘Mandeville’s Genealogy of Virtue’ 300 years Mandeville's “Fable of the Bees”, Erasmus University, Netherlands
November 2013, ‘Mandeville on Pride and Animal Nature’, ‘Eutopia Seated in the Brain? Commemorative Conference of Bernard de Mandeville's 300th Anniversary of The Fable of the Bees’, University of Coimbra.